.. docs-emips-meic_data-convert_grads: ********************************************** Convert NetCDF data to GrADS data ********************************************** This script is used to convert NetCDF model-ready emission files to GrADS format files for CUACE model. **emis_cuace** Sectors are divided into four categories including ``low`` (agriculture, residential, transport, ships), ``poi`` (industry), ``pow`` (energy) and ``air`` (air), you are supposed to check the sectors in emission inventory files and add sector included in the four emission categories(or remove sector that are not included). **all_species** All species included in RADM2 chemical mechanism. **year, month** Year and month in file name. **dir_data** File input and output directory. **xn, yn, tn** Dimension length of nc files. In this script, we loop ``tn`` and accumulate emissions data to convert hourly data to daily data. **outfn** Output file's name **outer** Output file **data** Daily data of a certain specie