.. _docs-meteoinfolab-funcitons-plot-subplot: ******************* subplot ******************* .. function:: subplot(nrows, ncols, plot_number) Returen a subplot axes positioned by the given grid definition. :param nrows, nrows: (*int*) Whree *nrows* and *ncols* are used to notionally spli the figure into ``nrows * ncols`` sub-axes. :param plot_number: (*int) Is used to identify the particular subplot that this function is to create within the notional gird. It starts at 1, increments across rows first and has a maximum of ``nrows * ncols`` . :returns: Current axes specified by ``plot_number`` . **Example:** :: def f(t): return exp(-t) * cos(2*pi*t) t1 = arange(0., 5., 0.1) t2 = arange(0., 5., 0.02) subplot(2,1,1) plot(t1, f(t1), 'bo', t2, f(t2), 'k') title('Sub plot 1') subplot(2,1,2) plot(t2, cos(2*pi*t2), 'r--') title('Sub plot 2') .. image:: ../../../../_static/subplot.png