.. _docs-meteoinfolab-geolib-milayer-MILayer: ********************************* MILayer ********************************* .. currentmodule:: mipylib.geolib.milayer .. class:: MILayer Map layer :param layer: (*MapLayer*) MapLayer object. :param shapetype: (*ShapeTypes*) Shape type ['point' | 'line' | 'polygon'] .. method:: cellvalue(self, fieldname, shapeindex) Get attribute table cell value. :param fieldname: (*string*) Field name. :param shapeindex: (*int*) Shape index. :returns: The value in attribute table identified by field name and shape index. .. method:: setcellvalue(self, fieldname, shapeindex, value) Set cell value in attribute table. :param fieldname: (*string*) Field name. :param shapeindex: (*int*) Shape index. :param value: (*object*) Cell value to be asigned.