.. _docs-meteoinfolab-plot-funcitons-yticks: ******************* yticks ******************* .. currentmodule:: mipylib.plotlib.miplot .. function:: yticks(locs, labels, rotation=0) Set the y-limits of the current tick locations and labels. :param locs: (*array_like*) Tick locations. :param labels: (*string list*) Tick labels. :param fontname: (*string*) Font name. Default is ``Arial`` . :param fontsize: (*int*) Font size. Default is ``14`` . :param bold: (*boolean*) Is bold font or not. Default is ``True`` . :param color: (*color*) Tick label string color. Default is ``black`` . :param rotation: (*float*) Tick label rotation angle. Default is 0. **Example:** :: # set the locations of the yticks yticks( arange(6) ) # set the locations and labels of the yticks yticks( arange(5), ['Tom', 'Dick', 'Harry', 'Sally', 'Sue'])