.. _examples-meteoinfolab-satellite-fy2c_clc: ******************* FY-2C cloud data ******************* This example code illustrates how to access and visualize a FY-2C satellite cloud data. :: #Add data file fn = 'D:/Temp/hdf/FY2C_CLC_MLT_NOM_20070730_1800.hdf' f = addfile(fn) #Get data variable v = f['FY2C_Hourly_Cloud_Classification'] #Set x/y x = linspace(-5750000.0,5750000.0, 2288) y = linspace(-5750000.0,5750000.0, 2288) #Get data array cloud = v[:,:] #Plot ax = axesm(proj='geos', lon_0=104.5, h=35785864, gridlabel=True, gridline=True, frameon=False) geoshow('country', edgecolor=(0,0,255)) cols = makecolors(10, cmap='hotcold_18lev') cols[0] = 'w' layer = imshow(x, y, cloud, proj=ax.proj, colors=cols) colorbar(layer) .. image:: image/fy2c_clc.png