.. _news-meteoinfo_3.4: ****************************************** MeteoInfo 3.4 was released (2022-8-12) ****************************************** - Add unsigned short and int arithmetic functions in ArrayMath class - Support drawing extra z axis in 3D axes - Add axes_zoom argument in axes3d function - Add status toolbar with run and memory progress bars in MeteoInfoLab GUI - Add popup menu to file dockable - Add labelshift argument in colorbar function - Add skew and kurtosis functions in stats module - Add fimplicit3 plot function - Add __and__, __or__, __xor__ operations in Series class - Add replace function in DataFrame and Series classes - Improve drop function in DataFrame to support rows drop - Add fill plot function - Add multivariate_normal function - Add ColorTransferFunction class - Support vertical boxplot - Support MICAPS MDFS type 12 data file - Add MeshRender and SurfaceRender classes for vbo rendering - Update netcdf-java to version 5.5.3 - Update FlatLaf to version 2.4 - Update joml to version 1.10.4 - Update rsyntaxtextarea to version 3.2.0 - Update ojAlgo to version 51.3.0 - Update l2fprod to version 6.9.1 - Update jts to version 1.19.0 - Update jython to version 2.7.3b1 - Update Apache commons math to version 4.0-SNAPSHOT from 3.6.1 - Some bug fixed **Plot 3-D implicit function**:: def f(x, y, z): return sin(x) * cos(y) + sin(y) * cos(z) + sin(z) * cos(x) axes3d(aspect='equal', axes_zoom=True) lighting() fimplicit3(f, [-2*pi,2*pi], facecolor='y', edgecolor='k') .. image:: ../_static/fimplicit3_gyroid.png **Read and plot MICAPS MDFS type 12 data file**:: fn = 'D:/Temp/micaps/mdfs/20220509153000.000' f = addfile_micaps(fn) df = f.read_dataframe() lon = df['Longitude'].values lat = df['Latitude'].values t = df['DewPoint'].values geoshow('cn_province', edgecolor='gray') geoshow('country') levs = arange(-20, 21, 2) scatter(lon, lat, t, levs, size=4, edgecolor=None, zorder=0) colorbar() title('Dew point scatter plot') .. image:: ../_static/micaps_mdfs_12.png