.. _news-meteoinfo_3.7.0: ****************************************** MeteoInfo 3.7.0 was released (2023-9-3) ****************************************** - Support CMA Radar base standard data with ppi, cappi, cr and 3d grid interpolation - Add `append`, `insert`, `delete` functions - Add `stack`, `column_stack`, `row_stack` functions - Add `hypot`, `s_`, `index_exp` functions - Add `amx`, `amin` functions - Add `mgrid`, `gradient` functions - Add `cond` function in `linalg` package - Add `Wedge` patch - Add compare functions for DataFrame - Add `view` function for 3d axes - Add `contour3` plot function - Add 2D streamplot function in 3D axes - support drawing contours along the surface of the volume data in contourslice function - Update FlatLaf to version 3.2 - Update JOGL to version 2.5.0 - Update proj4j to version 1.3.0 - Some other bugs fixed **Read and plot 3D radar reflectivity data**:: fn = r'D:\Temp\binary\radar\Z_RADR_I_Z9898_20190828181529_O_DOR_SAD_CAP_FMT.bin' f = addfile(fn) slat = f.attrvalue('StationLatitude')[0] slon = f.attrvalue('StationLongitude')[0] h = f.attrvalue('AntennaHeight')[0] lon = arange(108.25, 112.25, 0.01) lat = arange(18., 22., 0.01) z = arange(1000, 20001, 500) #Get 3d grid data glon, glat = meshgrid(lon, lat) x, y = RadarUtil.geographic_to_cartesian(slon, slat, glon, glat) data = f.get_grid_3d_data('dBZ', x, y, z, h) # Plot test axes3d(orthographic=False, aspect='xy_equal', facecolor='k', fgcolor='w', axis=True, axes_zoom=True) geoshow('world_topo.jpg') geoshow('cn_province') volumeplot(lon, lat, z, data, vmin=0, vmax=60, cmap='NCV_bright') colorbar(shrink=0.8, tickcolor='w') xlim(lon[0], lon[-1]) ylim(lat[0], lat[-1]) zlim(0, z[-1]) xlabel('Longitude') ylabel('Latitude') zlabel('Height (m)') .. image:: ../_static/radar_3d_grid_geo.png