
mipylib.plotlib.miplot.xticks(locs, labels, rotation=0)

Set the x-limits of the current tick locations and labels.

  • locs – (array_like) Tick locations.

  • labels – (string list) Tick labels.

  • fontname – (string) Font name. Default is Arial .

  • fontsize – (int) Font size. Default is 14 .

  • bold – (boolean) Is bold font or not. Default is True .

  • color – (color) Tick label string color. Default is black .

  • rotation – (float) Tick label rotation angle. Default is 0.


menMeans = [20, 35, 30, 35, 27]
bar(menMeans, color='r', label='Men')
womenMeans = [25, 32, 34, 20, 25]
bar(womenMeans, color='y', label='Women')
ylim(0, 40)
ylabel('Mean age')
xticks(arange(1, len(menMeans) + 1), ['G1','G2','G3','G4','G5'])
title('Bar chart example')